Monday, May 30, 2016

Scribblenaunts Epic Story

Greetings I made a new game story for all to read and can help me make since I'm not a good artist or composer or animated or making games in general. But I am good at making stories and this one is no exception. I will like to thank ReWilfre and SirBaki for supporting me. Their links to their channel is right down below



Now enjoy my story of Scribblenaunts Epic.

Also check out my other blog
Scribblenauts: Epic


The game begins in someone’s room where a person is writing down in a book. Then the narration begins.

Narrator: They say books are gateways to whole new worlds. But they don’t know that a book is also a place for a whole universe that’s where our story begins with the writer. You see the writer writes in a book called the wirtingverse a universe where everything the writer writes becomes real inside the book. With his writing skill he created whole planets, stars, and creature’s all was fine until he accidently spilled some ink on the book that spill created a monster know as Writers Block a monster with no imagination or creativity that consume everything in sights. But that happen a thousand years ago in the book but he’ll played a big part later on you’ll see. Now we go to our main hero Maxwell and his sister Lily. They are both Scribblenauts which is also important to the story later on. Maxwell has a magic notepad that everything he writes in comes to life while Lily has a magic Globe that lets her travel to anywhere around the world. They live with their parents and do good because their farther set Maxwell sister to stone to teach them a lesson of kindness which they now used to help people in need. I know about the D.C game but I consider it non canon. This is where our story begins and an adventure of a lifetime as well.

Chapter 1: The hero’s journey

The scene shifts to Maxwell sleeping in his bed when suddenly he awakens by a big bang from outside he goes into Lily room waking her by shining a flashlight in her eyes.

Lily: What is it Maxwell?

Maxwell: I heard something from outside crashed and I want you to follow me to see what crashed.

Lily: Okay Maxwell it better be good.

Maxwell and Lily race downstairs out of the house and into the meadows where they are stop by the police.

Police officer: Sorry kids but this area is off limits ever since those creatures began terrorizing the world.

Maxwell: But I heard a loud thud over there.

Police officer: Sorry kid but rules are rules.

Lily: Well we can’t go there let’s go back home and sleep the rest of the night away.

Maxwell: No I didn’t come this way just to turn back.

Lily: How? We can’t get by police.

Maxwell: Well we can go in the cave to get by.

Lily: Isn’t that the cave we aren’t allow to enter because it dangerous?

 Maxwell: Well do you know any other way?

Lily: Fine let’s go in the cave.

Maxwell and Lily enter the cave were the game begins which is a tutorial level where the player learns the basic. During this level Lily gets grab by a monster and Maxwell pulls a pencil out of a rock which he uses to defeat the monster and free her sister. At the end of the cave Maxwell and Lily discovered a crater and inside that crater is a starlite where Maxwell grabs it thus completing the tutorial. Just then the starlight spout fairy wings and flies off of Maxwell hands.

The Starlite: Hey what’s the big deal grabbing me like that?!

Maxwell: You can talk and fly?

The Starlite: Of course I can fly and talk I’m Starfi the Starlite fairy!

Lily: A starlite fairy? I thought those were myths.

Starfi: We are not myths we are real.

Maxwell: Why did you crash land here?

Starfi: I was fleeing from the place of the stars…

Lily: You mean space?

Starfi: Sure anyway I was fleeing from space because of those monsters. They been causing havoc across the universe for a while. What’s weird is those creatures haven’t been seen for a thousand years.

Maxwell: You mean those creatures? (Pointing at the creatures circling them)

Starfi: Oh this is bad.

Maxwell: Lily why don’t you teleport us out of here?

Lily: I can’t the globe is cover in some sort of fog and it’s making the globe ineffective.

Maxwell: Then I have to fight our way out.

Starfi: With a pencil?

Maxwell: Yea it pretty effective against these creatures better than anything I can think of in my notepad.

Maxwell draws out the big pencil ready to attack the creatures. Just then a person with an astronaut helmet with blue skin, wearing an orange shirt with black spots defeats every creature with his blue sword.

The blue person: Hey there.

Maxwell: Who are you?

The blue person: Me? My name is Cutiesaurs or Cutie for short and I’m a scribblenaunt just like you two.

Maxwell: Wait what’s a scribblenaunt and how did you find us?

Cutiesaurs: People who were writes thinkers and do good for people and I found you both because I notice you pulled out a pensword and tried to use that notepad.

Lily: Wait you know that Maxwell have a magic Notepad and have a magic globe?

Cutiesaurs: Of course I followed the falling star and I notice that Maxwell was using his notepad. Which of course I thought those artifacts were lost during the Writing War a thousand years ago.

Maxwell: Wait the Writing War, Pensword, and Scribblenaunts. What are you talking about?

Cutiesaurs: Come to my house I’ll explain everything. Follow me and if you’re lost just keep going west then you’ll hit my house.

Lily: Should we follow him?

Starfi: He look suscuipous it might be a trap.

Maxwell: What choice do we got? He seems to know what’s going on and beside he saved us.

Lily: Fine let’s follow him to his house.

Maxwell, Lily, and Starfi follow Cutie to his house once inside they discovered a collection of artifacts and books and find out that the house is really nice.

Maxwell: Wow neat place.

Cutiesaurs: I know there a movie theater, an art gallery, and a wardrobe with this a flashy lesurise suit. It’s the only costume I actually got and the art gallery is bare. I hope there are costume and art lying around the world. You can help me find art and costume’s if you do you can visit or wear them in their respected area. Also you can watch the movies at the theater as well. If you got some ollars that were dropped by those monsters, you can spend them from the vending machine I liked to call Vendor. You may be thinking why well it’s because I like to have friends.

Maxwell: So how did you get this house?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know my memory is a blur I just appear here somehow. I know this house used to belong to Dr. Lecture a professor and arcologist who studied the Scribblenaunts of the past and collet artifacts of them. Here’s a picture of him.

Maxwell: Hey that guy right beside him looks like me and Lily farther.

Cutiesaurs:  Really? I didn’t that that was your farther. I read Dr. Lecture journal and said that your farther were great partners on their last journey they said they found a statue and a piece of paper that was a spell to turn people to stone and to reverse the effect.

Lily: So that’s how my farther knew how to turn me into stone. It’s a long story

Cutiesaurs: Well I guess I hold it long enough let me get the book and explain everything about your race. (Cutie opens the book and explains to Maxwell and Lily about their race) Long ago there were a race of people that were writers, exploders, and warriors they were the Scribblenaunts wearing rooster hat of many different color. This race were wonderful thinkers and writers they helped developing civilization grow across the universe, they were master craftsmen and good thinkers that praised the Writer for everything. That was until a thousand years the Writer accidently spilled some ink on the pages of his book which created a monster known as Writers Block a soulless monster which were created with no love or creativy. He wanted to destroy everything the Scribblenaunts created so they fight back which sparked the Writing War which lasted for a hundred years. It unknown how the Scribblenaunts managed to defeat Writers Block but what we do know that after the Writing War the Scribblenaunts suffered loss with so few people to rebuild their civilization that over time they forgotten their cities, technology and who they are. It’s been a thousand years now the return of the soulless and the soulless fog means that Writers Block has returned as well. That’s why I been reading these books, finding a way to seal Writers Block away. But there’s nothing here to stop him.

Starfi: Well maybe he’s not real and these creatures are just common fleeing from something.

Cutiesaurs: I read the books and I know a Soulless when I see one.

Maxwell: Maybe Dr. Lecture knows how to seal away Writers Block.

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know where Dr. Lecture is.

Lily: Maybe Me and Maxwell dad knows where he is our house isn’t far from yours.

Cutiesaurs: Good idea but that area is covered in thick soulless fog dense soulless fog is fine it only limits some of your thoughts. But thick soulless fog is another story that fog is like a force field which creature with a soul can’t pass through but the soulless can.

Starfi: So we’re stuck here inside your house.

Cutiesaurs: Not quite you see if you give a soulless a starlite which acts as a spark of imagination which the Scribblenaunts used as a source of fuel they disgrated since they were created without imagination. So a starlite will also clear away the thick soulless fog. Thank goodness I got a starlite with me.

Cutie gives Maxwell the Starlite which he uses to clear the thick soulless fog and head into the house only for his parents to be in ball of energy with a giant eraser with hands floating above them.

Maxwell: MOM, DAD!

Maxwell and Lily Mother: Son stay back this creature is dangerous.

Lily: What is this creature Cutie? It looks different from all the other soulless monsters we encounter.

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know I never encounter anything like that.

The eraser monster: Allow me to tell you who I am my name is Mister Eraser and I’m here to summon in Writers Block.

Maxwell: Leave my parents alone Mister Eraser!

Mister Eraser: Well I was going to kill them I think I’ll hold on them to let them see the desctuon the universe that the Writer holds so dearly by Writers Block.

Maxwell: Let them go!

Mister Eraser: If you want them so badly then you must get pass through me.

Maxwell: Then I’ll fight you for them.

Mister Eraser: Well then we fight.

Maxwell enters his first boss fight against Mister Eraser which he gets defeated.

Lily: Maxwell!

Mister Eraser: You are such a fool Maxwell it’ll take a lot more to defeat me. Anything to say before I leave?

Maxwell: Only to my farther.

Maxwell farther: Yes, son?

Maxwell: Where is Dr. Lecture?

Maxwell Farther: In the Museum in Writington.

Mister Eraser then teleports away from the house leaving behind a giant Starlite which Maxwell picks up.

Maxwell: Hey look what Mister Eraser dropped.

Cutiesaurs: It looks like a giant Starlite and I think I know what it does come to my house and I’ll explain.

Maxwell, Lily, and Starfi head back to Cutie house where explains the Giant Starlite.

Cutiesaurs: I believe that giant Starlite is a seal which trapped Writers Block. I believed Writers Block was storing his energy for a thousand years to create Mister Eraser to break the seals and this is the last one. According to my starlight scanner there are six starlight seals.

Starfi: So we need to rebuild the Starlite seals to prevent Writers Block from escaping?

Cutiesaurs: Right!

Lily: But how are we’re going to find the Starlite seals and what about those monsters?

Cutiesaurs: Well I got you two.

Maxwell: Us? you saw what happen to me when I battle Mister Eraser!

Cutiesaurs: Well using the starlight’s might weaken him and also use the large starlite’s to clear the thick soulless fog. Also unlocking the powers your artifacts holding as well.

Lily: How are you going to do that?

Cutiesaurs: Well give me your notepad and globe and I’ll show you.

Maxwell and Lily gives Cutie the Notepad and Globe where he activates its power and gives them back.

Cutiesaurs: Maxwell your notepad will now freeze time and have a dictionary to select your favorite words. Lily your globe can now let you shoot starlite’s energy and let you swap between the three of us by the starbands and can access special starlite portals.

Maxwell: What about you?

Cutiesaurs: I have a sword that can cut soulless objects, a backpack we can all share that can store item like Starlight’s and my athletic skills to reach inaccessible areas you two can’t reach. Oh almost forgot the starcommutictron with these I can give you two some hints as well as advice.

Starfi: So that’s all?

Cutiesaurs: Yep now Maxwell use the Giant Starlite to clear the way to Wirtington since it seems it requires one Big Starlight to clear the Soulless fog and is the closet to us and that’s where Dr. Lecture is and bring it on home.

 Maxwell lift the Giant Starlight in the air and swirls around the area that require one Big Starlight removing the fog away revealing Wirtington area which Maxwell, Lily, Cutie, and Starfi head towards.

Chapter 2: Dr. Lecture I presume?

Once there they are greeted by the town mayor which is in a state of panic.

Mayor Lith: Greeting welcome to Wirtington my name is Mayor Lith our people were in a state a panic because of a giant black cloud hovering above us which summon in swarms of monsters. That was until the clouds moved away and those monsters vanished but there some left.

Cutiesaurs: That cloud was a soulless cloud that blocks mental thought and act as a barrier for anyone who use’s teleportation.

Mayor Lith: That’s interesting and who are you three?

Cutiesaurs: That’s Maxwell, Lily and I’m their leader Cutiesaurs Cutie for short.

Starfi: And don’t forget me Starfi.

Cutiesaurs: Yes, I didn’t forget about you Starfi.

Mayor Lith: So what brings you here?

Maxwell: We’re looking for three things Mister Eraser, Dr. Lecture, and a Big Starlite.

Mayor Lith: I don’t know anything about a person named Mister Eraser or a Big Starlite but I do know where Dr. Lecture is, he’s in the museum but that fog is preventing people from entering it in fact it there are fogs that prevent people entering other areas as well. Like the Beach Fair, The Grind Factory, the cosurction area and the sewer. Expect the DMV

Cutiesaurs: I know why these areas because those areas have a Big Starlite Shard and won’t target the DMV because even the soulless hate that area.

Maxwell: Don’t worry mayor we’ll just use the starlight to clear the soulless fog.

Cutiesaurs: One starlite isn’t enough to clear the soulless fog.

Lily: So how many starlite’s we need to clear the soulless fog around the area?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know but I got this device called the starlite scanner that can scan some smaller starlight by pressing a certain button and also tells you how much starlite’s you’ll need to clear the fog.

Maxwell: But what about complete starlite’s?

Cutiesaurs: The starlite scanner can detect a complete starlite without a scan. There are two types of starlight’s symbols the light blue starlight means there’s a problem to solve to get that starlight. The orange means that there’s a starlight in that area and must solve puzzles and do some platforming to get it. Oh in case you forget what I said here’s a manual that tells you the things I’ve already told you.

Starfi: Aren’t you going to solve some puzzles as well Cutie?

Cutiesaurs: Well I wish I could but me and Lily aren’t really equipped to solved puzzles but we can help out with finding any starlite shards around the area that don’t need puzzles and help out in the orange starlight areas. Also me and Lily can talk to you with the starcommuctron to give you hints in the blue starlight areas which you can tell when they are completed by the golden starlight and bring it on home.

Cutie gives Maxwell all the items he needs and let’s Maxwell go across the city finding starlite’s and starlite shards. Once he gathers enough he then can clear the areas with the soulless fog with the require starlight and can enter any area. If he enters a new area an intro to that area appears. Like the intro to the museum where Maxwell, Cutie, Lily, and Starfi find Dr. Lecture.

Maxwell: Dr. Lecture?

Dr. Lecture: Yes, sir what can I do for you?

 Maxwell: We are here because you knew me and my sister farther, and we need to ask some question about your work.

Dr. Lecture: I studied with your farther for years we were best friends, so ask away.

Maxwell: Do you know any creature by the name of Mister Eraser?

Dr. Lecture: I don’t know any kind of monster named Mister Eraser. But I do know that these creatures and the soulless fog means that Writers Block has returned and only the scribblenaunts can stop him. But I don’t know how your kind did it.

Cutiesaurs: Well they seal Writers Block with seven starlite seals and we’re looking for the 25 shards and piece them back together to seal Writers Block for good. I’m Cutie by the way and this is Maxwell and Lily.

Starfi: Don’t forget me Starfi

Cutiesaurs: And yes Starfi.

Dr. Lecture: You know you look like the statue that me and Maxwell and Lily farther found along with the paper with a spell that turn people to stone and how to reverse it. Maxwell and Lily farther got that spell while I got the statue since it was odd and that it didn’t look like a Scribblenaunt.

Cutiesaurs: I have your old house and I didn’t see any statue.

Maxwell: It must be stolen, and how come Dr. Lecture said that the statue isn’t a Scribblenaunt yet you claim to be a scribblenaunt since you wear an astronaut helmet and are blue?

Cutiesaurs: I wear this helmet because my face is so handsome that if I took it off it will destroy the world and I’m a scribblenaunt because I carried this. (unheeded his blue sword sword) Any item crafted by a scribblenaunts can only be used by scribblenaunts. You can tell by the star shape symbol which is the scribblenaunts signature.

Dr. Lecture: Really? I didn’t know that scribblenaunts did that!

Cutiesaurs: Really I thought you’ve studied our kind to prove to skeptics that our kind were advance.

Dr. Lecture: I did but there were few records of your kind and the one’s I did find I wrote them in my books back home.

Maxwell: So it makes us wonder how did Cutie knew about that. Since that was a thousand years ago?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know my memory before I was in Dr. Lecture house is a blur.

Starfi: Weird but that doesn’t matter I think there a big starlite shard in the museum somewhere.

Cutiesaurs: You might be right Starfi so we must look around the place to find some starlite’s then they’ll reveal where the Big Starlite shard is and bring it on home.

Starfi: Why do you say Bring it on home?

Cutiesaurs: It’s an old Scribblenaunt slang word which means to fight and think well.

Starfi: Oh well let’s find some Starlight’s.

Maxwell goes around the museum collecting starlight’s and starlight shards. Until he gathers enough that it actives a cutsecene where the entire museum begins to shake.

Starfi: What was that?

Dr. Lecture: It sounds like it’s coming from the Dinosaurs exhibit.

Cutiesaurs: By the looks of it it’s a boss judging by the skull and crossbones which means a soulless creature has a Starlite.

Dr. Lecture: I think I know what soulless creature has it, Skelly Rex.

Cutiesaurs: The soulless T-Rex that was defeated in the Writing War a thousand years ago and you uncover his bones and put it in this museum?

Dr. Lecture: Yep that’s the one.

Starfi: Well I guessing Mister Eraser wants to challenge Maxwell to a battle against bosses for some reason.

Maxwell: But how can I defeat Skelly Rex without you guys?

Cutiesaurs: Don’t worry Maxwell, me and Lily can use the starcommuctiorn to help you defeat any boss.

Lily: I hope you do well Maxwell.

Maxwell: don’t worry I’ll come back.

Lily: Just be careful Maxwell.

Maxwell enters the Museum boss area: Skelly Rex he is then greeted by Mister Eraser.

Mister Eraser: Greeting Maxwell. I know you want your parents so badly but I got them safe and sound.

Maxwell: You are here to gloat me?

Mister Eraser: No I’m here to take you down because you are more powerful than you’ve know. But since I’m busy I’ll send in Skelly Rex to crush you. There are no bones about it.

Mister Eraser flies away then Skelly Rex appears. Cutie gives Maxwell hints on how to solve puzzles to expose the boss weakness. After Maxwell defeat’s Skelly Rex, a Big Starlite Shard appears which Maxwell grabs it Then returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Dr. Lecture.

Lily: You’ve did it brother.

Maxwell: Yea and he dropped a big starlight shard.

Cutiesaurs: Mister Eraser must have given these shards to these bosses’ after he shatter the Starlight Seal. Which means he given six bosses’ a shard each which means there are five areas hiding the Starlight shards in each area. The large areas are The city, The snow, The ocean, the dessert, the jungle, and space. So we got five more Big Starlite Shards.

Cutiesaurs: That’s right clear up more of the soulless fog to access more of the city.

Maxwell collects Starlite’s to open up new areas which you can go in any particular order. There are intro and boss fight text for every area but to avoid confusion I’m going to the order for each sub area over every main order by the number of starlite’s require to enter that area. Starting with the construction site next.

Slang: Hey there Mayor Lith told me how you cleared up this soulless fog from this city my name is Slang by the way.

Maxwell: Well it’s nothing Slang we are just here to save the world.

Cutiesaurs: And to find the next Big Starlight Shard and bring it on home.

Maxwell: And that too.

Slang: Well we don’t know where a Big Starlite shard will be but we do have some starlight’s right around this construction area.

Cutiesaurs: Well let’s find some Starlite’s to lure in a monster that’s holding the Big Starlite shard.

Maxwell goes around the area gathering Starlite’s and Starlite shards once he gathers enough the Boss door opens and a construction guy come’s running out of the boss door.


Starfi: Um quick question what is a Hemotron?

Cutiesaurs: A giant thorny devil like monster that doesn’t squirt blood from its eyes but does breathe fire.

Starfi: Good a monster that breathe fire is much safer than a monster that can squirt blood from its eyes.

Maxwell: Very funny Starfi if there’s a giant monster in the area then it must have the Starlight shard. Excuse me where’s is this Hemotron?

Construction guy: He’s at the very top of the incomplete building if you want to fight him go take the elevator and be my guess.

Maxwell: Sure thing.

Maxwell enters the boss door where he rides the elevator to it then he encouters miser eraser on the top.

 Mister Eraser: Well, Well Maxwell looks like you took my challenge. Well I got a creature that will surely heat things up.

Mister Eraser leaves the area just as the Hemotron arrives with the help of Cutie hints Maxwell easily take down the boss and grabs a Big Starlite shard. Then he returns back to the construction area where Slang congratulate him.

Slang: Well done Maxwell you took that monster down like it’s nothing.

Maxwell: I couldn’t have done it without the help of Cutie and my sister help.

Cutiesaurs: Thanks Maxwell I approve of it. But there are still more Starlite shards around the city let’s explore the city more before we locate the next Big Starlight in another location.

The next area that requires a little more Starlight’s is the sewer where this is how it plays out.

Starfi: Erg this is gross why are we here anyway?

Cutiesaurs: Because according to the scanners a large starlight Shard in this area.

Starfi: Well this sewer still smells.

Cutiesaurs: Well the sooner we get the Big Starlite Shard the faster we get out of here.

Starfi: Fine Let’s find the Big Starlite shard and get out of here.

Maxwell, Lily, Cutie, and Starfi go through the sewer helping people and collecting enough starlite’s that they activate the sewer boss level.

Lily: What was that?

Cutiesaurs: I believed that’s the Slurge a shapeless blob with multiple eyes and tentacles.

Starfi: Well that’s nice to know about what type of monster you’ll need to defeat Maxwell.

Maxwell: Must you be always sarcastic?

Starfi: Well with Mister Eraser doing bad puns then yes.

Cutiesaurs: Good point I’ll let you fight the Slurge now Maxwell and bring it on home.

Maxwell enters the boss area of the sewer area where he walks across a catwalk across a large vertical pipe where he encouters Mister Eraser.

Mister Eraser: Maxwell!

Maxwell: Mister Eraser what are you doing here?

Mister Eraser: Oh Summoning monsters to crush you. By the way things are looking up for you.

Mister Eraser vanishes as the Slurge begins to climb the vertical pipe Maxwell defeat the boss with the help of Cutie hint’s and grabs the Big Starlight Shard and returns back to Cutie and Lily.

Maxwell: I got another Big Starlite shard

Cutiesaurs: Good for you Maxwell.

Maxwell: What are you doing Cutie?

Cutiesaurs: I’m just collecting junk from around the sewers you’ve wouldn’t believe what people will drop in the sewer.

Maxwell: Sorry I ask.

Cutiesaurs: Well there are still more areas with Big Starlight shards let’s go find them.

When Maxwell and company enters the Beach Fair.

Poppers: Hello their boy and girl welcome to the beach fair where you’ll have fun, fun, fun! My name is
Poppers by the way.

Cutiesaurs: Well we aren’t here just for fun we are also here looking for a big Starlite shard.

Poppers: Well the fair business isn’t doing so well since it was overrun by those monsters. I hoping you can get rid some of these monsters to help my fair.

Maxwell: Sure thing Poppers we are on the case.

Maxwell and company help the people and gather starlites until there is enough to activate the boss for the Beach Fair Area.

A random person: The tube man is alived!!!

Cutiesaurs: He must be talking about the Inflationatior a giant inflation device that is a soulless monster for some reason.

Maxwell: Well it must have a Big Starlite Shard that means I must defeat it.

Cutiesaurs: I’ll give you hints and encouragements and your sister will do the same thing and also bring it on home.

Maxwell enters the Boss area for the Beach Fair and encouters Mister Eraser.

Mister Eraser: Maxwell so glad to see you I can’t stay here because you’ll be deflated.

Mister Eraser flies away then the Inflationatior appears and with the help of Cutie and Lily hints Maxwell easily defeats the Inflationatior then grabs the Big Starlite shard and heads back to his friends.

Poppers: Thank you Maxwell.

Maxwell: Well I couldn’t have done it without Cutie or Lily.

Poppers: Well you can explore the Beach Fair to find anymore starlites that you’ve missed.

Cutie: Will do Poppers but we still need to find more Starlite shards come back to the city when you are done with this area Maxwell. We still need to find more Big Starlite Shards.

When Maxwell and friends enter the Factory.

Stelex: Hi there I’m Dr. Stelex and Mayor Lith have told me a lot about you four.

‘Maxwell: Well we are just helping saving the world. By finding Big Starlite Shards.

Stelex: Well this factory isn’t working like it used to since the soulless monsters are turning my robot’s into soulless monster’s robots.

Cutiesaurs: This place use’s robots?

Stelex: Of course my robots have free will so they act like normal person because I learn from Dr. Lecture that a starlite is used for a creature soul. But when those soulless beast’s showed up they scattered half of my starlite supply across the world while the other half were consumed by the soulless creatures and were destroyed.

Lily: That’s terrible.

Cutiesaurs: It may also explain why there are starlites that doesn’t require someone to help out.

Stelex: So can you help me get this factory up and running?

Maxwell: Sure we’ll help you and find a Big Starlite Shard as well around here.

Maxwell and friends help people to gather starlites until he collects enough to activate the boss area where’s there a loud rumble.

Stelex: This is not good.

Maxwell: What’s wrong Stelex?

Stelex: Mister Eraser have reactivated the grinder. A giant robot that was supposed to grind up scrap metal but became too deadly so I have to shut it down. If Mister Eraser reactive the Grinder, then he’ll scrapped everything in sight.

Maxwell: The I will go in there and stop the Grinder.

Cutiesaurs: We’ll talk to Dr. Stelex to help you figure out a way to stop it.

Maxwell enters the Boss Arena for the Factory where he encouters Mister Eraser.

Maxwell: Mister Eraser!

Mister Easer: In the flesh I’m just tinkering the grinder so then it’ll really grind your gears.

Mister Eraser reactivate the Grinder and with the help of Cutie and Lily hints Maxwell easily defeats the Grinder. Then returns back to his friends.

Maxwell: That Grinder is out of commission.

Stelex: Thank you Maxwell. Even though you put my Factory back in working order there might be a few starlites lying around the factory and there might be Big Starlite Shards around the city.

Cutiesaurs: We’ll find them and find any more in the factory.

Once Maxwell and company gather all five Big Starlite Shards from the five areas then the city Boss area for the city opens up. But before that they are congratulated by Mayor Lith.

Mayor Lith: Well done for helping us and may you find your parents Maxwell.

Cutiesaurs: Well we can’t go yet because we need one final piece of Big Starlite Shard before we can go to the next area.

Just then a large rumble that shakes the town.

 Maxwell: What was that?

Cutiesaurs: I believed it was Cling Kong. A giant ape if I ever saw one.

Maxwell: So he has the last piece for this area?

Cutiesaurs:  Yes.

Lily: So where is he?

Mayor Lith: I believed that he’s near the town hall

Starfi: What are we waiting for Maxwell? Let’s go defeat Cling Kong near town hall and save this city!

Maxwell and Starfi enters the final boss area of the city where they then encounter Mister Eraser.

Mister Eraser: Well, Well Maxwell looks like you’ve defeated all of my bosses in this area expect for one which surely you will go bananas for!

Mister Eraser flies off just as Cling Kong appears. With the help of Lily and Cutie hints Maxwell easily defeats Cling Kong and grabs the final large Starlite piece from the city after which the Mayor congratulate Maxwell, Lily, and Cutie for saving the city.

Mayor Lith: Congratulations for saving our city from the soulless monsters.

Maxwell: I couldn’t have done it without my sister and my mentor.

 Cutiesaurs: Well we got all six large starlite pieces for the city and we just now we have five more places to go before we can stop the soulless for good. Let’s go back to my place to take the next plan of action.

Maxwell, Lily, and Cutie all go back to Cutie house for the next place to go.

Cutiesaurs: Maxwell will you do the honor to clear the soulless clouds to our next area?

Maxwell: Sure.

Maxwell throws the large Starlite into the sky to reveal snowy plains.

Maxwell: So what’s our next place?

Cutiesaurs: Well the next Starlite seal will be in a place called the Snow Plains and thanks to that Starlite my sandboxer is now open.

Lily: What’s that?

Cutiesaurs: It’s a device that’s lets you create virtual worlds for you to share across the world like hubs and levels. Then share them to other players.

Starfi: That sounds dangerous.

Cutiesaurs: Don’t worry only your virtual avatars of yourself are allowed to play the levels and hubs.

Starfi: You acting nice too nice. What your plan?

 Cutiesaurs: I don’t have a plan at all. I just want to be nice to people.

Starfi: Are you sure you won’t betray us? Because you appear just when we were surrounded by those monsters, and know a lot about your kind.

Cutiesaurs: What you think that I’m a hollow?

Maxwell: A hollow what is that?

Cutiesaurs: A hollow is a soulless creature whose look like anyone else. We scribblenaunts know if someone a soulless by the vibrations in the air. We just don’t know how it works but we feel it on our skin.

Maxwell: So you just know that you aren’t a hollow?

Cutiesaurs: Yea I’m sure of it since I can feel that I have a soul.

Lily: Why Me and my brother can’t do that?

Cutiesaurs: Well maybe because you are too young to get that special connection or maybe you lost touch with your powers.

Maxwell: Maybe.

Cutiesaurs: Well with that out of the way let’s get to snowy plains. That’s our next plan of action is. The sooner we get those Large Starlites the faster we can seal up Writers block and save your parents.

Maxwell: Right.

Chapter 3: Secrets benth the ice

Maxwell and friends head to the snowy plains where they meet a person named Mick.

Mick: Hello. My name is Mick. My Brother Lith had told me how you three had help stop the soulless monsters from taking over the town.

Maxwell: Well It was mostly me. My friend and sister have helped me as well.

Cutiesaurs: So what your problem here in snowy plains?

Mick: Well a herd of soulless are terrorizing the snowy plains, the icy caverns, frozen ports, the icy depths, snow top peak, and snowy cottage.

Cutiesaurs: Well there must be starlites around here and also large starlites pieces as well.

Mick: So you are saying that if you collect the starlites the soulless monsters will leave?

Cutiesaurs: No only when we defeat Mister Eraser and repair the Large Starlites then the soulless monsters will disappear.

Mick: Oh. Well I guess you can find those large Starlite in those five areas. Be warned those Soulless are pretty tough.

Maxwell: Well they aren’t tough with my Pensword

Just like in Wirtington Maxwell will required a certain amount of starlites to unlock certain areas and a cutscene will play once Maxwell enters that level for the first time. The first area in the snowy plains is the icy caverns.

Cutiesaurs: Here is the Icy caverns. I wonder what kind of ancient scribblenaunt technology that are frozen in these walls!

Starfi: So this place must have been a junkyard at one point.

Cutiesaurs: Really Starfi? Really? We Scribblenaunts never waste any kind of technology we reuse it or did before we forgot who we were.
Lily: So could there be Starlites frozen here as well.

Maxwell: Quite right sis there might be frozen starlites around the area.

Cutiesaurs: Who knows scribblenaunts used starlites to power their mana and machinery so they could be starlites hidden inside those frozen machine.

Maxwell and friends gather enough starlites that they unlock the door of the boss in the icy cave.

Starfi: What was that noise?

Cutiesaurs: The Ice Serpent. A soulless monster that can borrow through ice. If we don’t stop it then he’ll eat the support of the ice cavern. Collapsing the cave, we’re standing in.

Maxwell: Then I’ll show him what happens when you mess with me.

Lily: Good luck brother. Your goanna need it.

Maxwell then enters the boss arena for the Ice serpent where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Why do we always meet in the same area? Either you are prescient or you are a cockroach in disguise. Anyway my pet is a little hungry and he’ll eat you up.

Mr. Eraser flies away. Then the Ice Serpent appears which Maxwell easily defeat’s and grabs the first piece of the Starlite Seal in the snowy plains. He then returns back to Lily and Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: I see you’ve defeated the Ice Serpent Maxwell.

Maxwell: Found anything while I was away?

Lily: Nothing interesting we found.

Cutiesaurs: Said’s you. I found some devices that I can use to help me around the mansion and upgrade vendor.

Starfi: Well we got one of the Large Starlite pieces of the snowy plains and we need to explore more of it to find more.

Cutiesaurs: Quite right. Maxwell when you are done with this area go to the exit.

When Maxwell and friends enters the Snowy port.

Polo: Hello there friend my name is Polo. I heard all about the heroic’s you’ve did in Wirtington. We could use your help.

Maxwell: What seems to be the problem Polo?

Polo: Well my fellow Vikings are frozen thanks to the soulless. And I was wondering if you could use your gadgets to free them.

Cutiesaurs: Of course we can help free your fellow Vikings.

Polo: Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it. Since I heard that you are looking for starlites my fellow Vikings will award you with some starlites.

Lily: Will do.

Maxwell and friends gather enough starlites to unlock the boss of the icy port.

Polo: Oh no you just awaken the ice troll!

Lily: What’s that?

Polo: An troll that is a size of an island.

Cutiesaurs: Well Maxwell good luck fighting an island.

Maxwell enters the door to the Ice Troll Boss fight. Where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: I see you got my message about this island. But you are wasting time because this Troll will troll you.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Ice wakes up. Maxwell easily defeats the Ice troll and grabs the Second Large Starlite piece of Snowy Plains and returns back to Icy port.

Polo: Thank you for defeating the Ice Troll. Though still of my fellow Vikings are still trapped in ice. You can go on your mission we can handle the rest of my crew. You can help out if you want but you got a world to save.

When Maxwell enters the Icy Depths.

Maxwell: I got a question Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Ask away.

Maxwell: How can all living thing all breathe in space and underwater? Also do not burn up or freeze in extreme hot and cold places?

Cutiesaurs: Good question the answer is very simple. The Writer didn’t write how living things could breathe or that they’ll burn up or freeze in extreme conditions. But he did write about the scribblenaunts and their powers. Which is that they can regenerate from injuries but if we get injured to much then we pass away. Although he seems to make a few spelling mistakes and errors this is why I’m not like the Scribblenaunt’s.

Starfi: Well we need to explore the Icy depths to find a Large Starlite piece.

Cutiesaurs: Quite right Starfi let’s find a Large Starlite piece.

Maxwell and friends gather enough starlites to active the boss of the Icy Depths.

Starfi: What was that rumble?

Cutiesaurs: Looks like we’ve awoken the sealer. A giant monster Seal.

 Maxwell: Well I guess I’m going to hunt a giant seal.

Cutiesaurs: Make sure you avoid the PETA.

Maxwell enters the arena for the Sealer boss fight where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mister Eraser: You again!? Every time I see you it feels like dajvu all over again. But never mind that because your fate is sealed!!

Mr. Eraser Flies away then the Sealer boss appears which Maxwell defeats and grabs the Large Starlite Shard. He then returns back to Cutie and Lily.

Cutiesaurs: Another Large Starlite shard in the bag. Explore the Frozen Depths to find more Starlites if you want to but we got a world to save just remember that.

When Maxwell and company enters the Snowy Cottage.

Mittens: Hello travelers my name is Mittens. Welcome to the Snowy Cottage. We don’t lot of visitors since those dark clouds cover this cottage.
Maxwell: Well we are here to help. Also to grab a large Starlite Shard along the way.

Mittens: Thank you. I appreciated that you could get rid of these monsters so I could start working again.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss to the snowy cottage.

Cutiesaurs: Is it just me or is it getting really hot in here?

Mittens: Look like the monsters just unleash Burnance. A furnace that was supposed to keep visitors warm but was shut down because it was consider a fire hazard.

Starfi: Well looks like Maxwell needs to stop it before it burns down the whole cabin.

Maxwell enters the basement to the Burnance boss fight where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Welcome Maxwell I thought it was getting chilly inside the Cabin. So I decided to active Burnance. He’ll heat things up for you.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Burnance wakes up. Maxwell battles and defeat Burnance and grabs a Large Starlite shard. Then heads back upstairs.

Mittens: Thank you for defeating Burnance and saving the Snowy Cabin. Even though there are a few Starlites around the cabin that won’t bother the visitors much. But you can still help if you want to.

When Maxwell and company enters Snow Top Peak where they are greeted by Tripper.

Tripper: Greetings adventurer’s my name is Tripper. Are you three climbing the top of Snow Top Peak?

Cutiesaurs: Actually no. We are here to get a Large Starlite Shard.

Tripper: Well I heard there was a falling star that crashed on top of the mountain not too long ago.

Cutiesaurs: Well that must be a Large Starlite shard.

Tripper: Well good luck of climbing the mountain.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss in Snow Top Peak.

Tripper: That sounds like an avalanche.

Cutiesaurs: Thad was no avalanche. That was the Ice ape second cousin to Cling Kong.

Starfi: Well Maxwell looks like you have to battle a giant ape on top of the mountain.

Maxwell enters the boss arena for Snow Top Peak where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: I see you made it on top of the world Maxwell. But can you stay on top with a giant ape on your shoulder?

Mr. Eraser flies away while The Giant Ice Ape climbs on top of the mountain. Maxwell battles and defeats the Ice Ape and grabs the Large Starlite Shard and climbs back down.

Tripper: Congrats on making to the top of the world. How does it feel?

Maxwell: Well it feels great.

Tripper: Good for you. There might be some Starlites left around Snow Top Peak. Feel free to gather them if you want to.

When Maxwell defeat all five bosses and gathers all five Large Starlite Shards. Him and his company returns back to the Snowy Plains.

Mick: Thanks for stopping those soulless monsters around the area.

Cutiesaurs: Well we still need to get the last Starlite piece from this area.

Just then the whole area begins to shake.

Starfi: What was that?

Mick: That sounds like Chilli from the arena. We tried to open it but to no avail.

Starfi: Looks like you need five Starlite Shards to open it.

Maxwell: Well looks like I need to unlock it and face Chilli

Lily: Be Careful Maxwell.

Maxwell: I will.

Maxwell enters the arena for the boss of the Snowy Plains. Where he enters the arena with Soulless monsters spectating him and Mr. Eraser appears in front of him.

Mr. Eraser: Maxwell I’m glad you can make it. I made a spectacle for you.

Maxwell: I will catch just watch.

Mr. Eraser: Well the audience is getting restless. So I need to chill you out.

Mr. Eraser flies away. Just then Chilli appears in the background as a giant Ice Golem. Maxwell battles and defeats him and grabs the last Large Starlite Shard and Heads back to the Snow Plains.

Cutiesaurs: Well done Maxwell we now have all the Large Starlite Shards in Snowy Plains. Let’s head back to my Mansion to piece them back together to clear the Soulless fog to find the next area of the Large Starlite.

Mick: Well come visit the Snowy Plains anytime you want. There are still a few Starlite around the area to gather if you need any more that you need to clear anymore Soulless fog.

Maxwell: Will do.

Maxwell and company returns back to Cutie mansion where Maxwell puts the Large Starlite Shards back together and clear the Soulless fog to the Scramble Ocean.

Cutiesaurs: Looks like the next six pieces of the Large Starlite Shards appear to be at the bottom of Scramble Ocean.

Starfi: Well get your scuba gear ready because we’ll be searching the bottom of the ocean floor.

Maxwell: I got a question before we go to Scramble Ocean.

Cutiesaurs: Yes?

Maxwell: Why do you like adventuring?

Cutiesaurs: Well because I just like the thrill of it. Also because I’m full of energy that just wants to get out. Beside it’s way better than working in a cubical.

Maxwell: Well thank you for that info of your mind. Let’s go to the bottom of Scramble Ocean.

Chapter 4: The bottom of the sea
Maxwell and company enters the Scramble Ocean. Where they encounter a woman whose goes by the name Debbie.

Debbie: Hey there my name is Debbie.

Cutiesaurs: So Debbie what’s brings you here to the Scramble Ocean?

Debbie: I was here to research the secrets of Scramble Ocean but then monsters begin to appear and started to attack. Also some dark clouds begin to appear covering up a pirate ship the Gold digger, the island Tropical Paradise, The Dark Depths, The Levitation, and Coastal Reefs.

Starfi: Those areas must have the Large Starlite shards.

Cutiesaurs: Quite right. Maxwell let’s explore the depths of Scramble Ocean to find them.

Maxwell and company explore the Scramble Ocean and it’s level nonlinear but the first area with the least starlites require is the Gold Digger. Where a Cutscence plays.

Captain Gorgon: Avast me matey what’s your excuse to climb aboard the Gold Digger?

Maxwell: Well we are looking for some Starlites and a Large Starlite Shard.

Captain Gorgon: That might explain these monsters that are invading my ship. My name is Captain Morgan by the way. You are welcome to help us get rid of the beast.

Cutiesaurs: Will do and I have a question for you.

Captain Gorgon: Ask away landlubber.

Cutiesaurs: Do you and your crewmembers sing?

Captain Gorgon: No. Me and my crew members are terrible singers so we don’t sing at all.

Cutiesaurs: That’s fine with me. I don’t like it when people when they start singing it just feels so unnatural.

Starfi: We are learning more of you every time.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss to the Gold Digger.

Gorgon Crewmate: A large Water serpent at the starboard bow.

Cutiesaurs: That must be the Ice Serpent Brother. The Water Serpent must be mad at you for taking down his brother.

Captain Gorgon: Well me matey go take that Water Serpent from the Bow.

Maxwell enters the Gold digger boss arena at the Starboard bow. Where Mr. Eraser is waiting for him.

Mr. Eraser: Well looks like Captain Gorgon sent you here to defeat the Water Serpent. Well he will wash you away.

Mr. Eraser teleports away then the Water Serpent appears and Maxwell defeats him and grabs a Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Captain Gorgon.

Captain Gorgon: Well done. Now the Gold Digger can set sail again.

Maxwell: Glad I can help.

Cutiesaurs: There might be a few starlites on the ship you can get them. But remember we have a mission to do.

When Maxwell and company enters Tropical Paradise.

Redbeard: Greeting my name is captain Redbeard brother to captain Gorgon. What brings you to Tropical Paradise?

Cutiesaurs: We are here to find some starlites and a Large Starlite Shard.

Redbeard: Well me and my crew members are looking for treasure on Tropical Paradise. But these monsters keep scaring my crew members.

Maxwell: What if we clear the monsters and if we find any treasure we give it to your crewmembers.

 Redbeard: And if my crewmembers find any Starlite or that Large Starlite Shard. We give it to you deal.

Maxwell and Company gather enough Starlites to unlock the door to the Tropical Paradise boss.

Starfi: What was that loud noise?

Redbeard: That my friend is the guardian of the treasure.

Cutiesaurs: What the guardian name?

Redbeard: Giant Enemy Crab. (Maxwell and company stares at Redbeard blankly.) What? That’s his name.

Cutiesaurs: We know. It’s not the weirdest name we come across that goes to Mr. Eraser.

Redbeard: quite right. Let’s get rid of the Giant Enemy Crab.

Maxwell enters the boss arena for the Giant Enemy Crab where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looking for buried treasure Maxwell? Well my pet guardian will make you Crabby!!

Mr. Eraser teleports away while The Giant Enemy Crab appears which Maxwell battles and defeats him dropping a Large Starlite Shard. Which Maxwell grabs and returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Redbeard.

Redbeard: That’s the treasure? A Giant Starlite Shard?

Cutiesaurs: Can we have it?

Redbeard: Sure. You might also help us find anymore treasure if you want to. But you probably got a quest.

When Maxwell and company enters the Dark Depths.

Starfi: It sure is dark down here.

Cutiesaurs: Why do you think they call this place the Dark Depths?

Starfi: Well it is too dark down here. How are we ever going to find the Large Starlite Shard?

Cutiesaurs: Well we use Lily’s glowing Starlites to lighten up the area.

Starfi: That could work.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the Boss door of the Dark Depths.

Starfi: What was that rumble?

Cutiesaurs: By my calculations it appears we’ve awoken the Illuminator. A giant Angler Fish.

Starfi: Well I’ve always wanted to taste exotic fish looks like we have to.

 Maxwell enters the door to the boss of the Dark Depths where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: You are quite sneaky. Probably because it is so dark in here. Let my pet turn on the light for you.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Illuminator appears. Which Maxwell Battles and defeats. Dropping the Large Starlite Shard of the Dark Depths. Maxwell returns back to Cutie and Lily.

 Lily: Well done Brother Let’s get out of here this place is giving me the creeps.

Cutiesaurs: As you wish. But you never know if there are Starlites hidden in the dark.

When Maxwell and company enters the Levitation.

Willy: Welcome visitors to the Levitation or inside of him’

Cutiesaurs: You live here?

Willy: Of course we do.

Lily: We?

Willy: Yea. You see according to legend. During the Writing War a race who called themselves the Scribblenaunts. Created the Levitation to protect people from the soulless. After the War some of the people left the whale to start a new life while others stayed inside to protect it and built a city inside of him. But now these soulless are harming the Levitation from the inside.

Cutiesaurs: Thankfully we are Scribblenaunts and are happy to help your people out again.

Willy: Thank the Writer. I also belvied that the soulless are after some starlites so you might grab them as well.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss door of the Levitation.

Starfi: Are those dark spots common inside the Levitation?

Willy: No it not natural. It must be cause by the parasite who goes by the name of Parasect a jellyfish like parasite.

Cutiesaurs: Well Maxwell looks like you’ll be battling a giant parasite.

Maxwell enters the door to the Levitation boss battle where he encounters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: I see you’ve made it to the belly of the beast Maxwell. But do you have the guts to take down Parasect?

Mr. Eraser flies away just then Parasect rises out of the belly acid. Which Maxwell battles and defeat him and grabbing the Large Starlite Shard of the Levitation. He then heads back to Cutie, Lily, and Willy.

Willy: Thank you for defeating Parasect. The levitation should be healing by now. Good luck on your quest. Come back again to gather anymore Starlites.

When Maxwell and company enters the Coastal Reef.

Ripper: Good day mate my name is Ripper. What brings you to Coastal Reef?

Cutiesaurs: We are here to find some Starlites and a Large Starlite Shard.

Ripper: That explains why these monsters are attacking the coral reefs and harming the wildlife. Maybe if you get rid of these starlites then these monsters will stop appearing.

Maxwell: It’s a done deal.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites they unlock the door to the boss of Costal Reefs.

Ripper: Thank you for getting most of the starlites in this area. But they will still come back. Unless you their boss the Shock Jelly a giant electrified jellyfish. Looks like you have enough to open the door to him. So go get him Maxwell.

Maxwell enters the door to the Costal Reef and encounters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looks like my pet Jellyfish will take care of you. Because he is quite shocking.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Shock Jelly

 appears. Maxwell battles and defeating the Shock Jelly. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard of the Costal Reefs and returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Ripper.

Ripper: Good work on defeating the Shock Jelly. You can keep the Large Starlite Shard as a gift for getting rid most of the Starlites. Come back if you want more Starlites.

When Maxwell and Company gather all the Large Starlite from the five sub areas of the Scramble Ocean they return back to the main Area of Scramble Ocean.

Debbie: Thanks you for helping the out the citizens of Scramble Ocean.

Cutiesaurs: It was nothing.

Just then the screen begins to shake.

Debbie: Oh no The Elder God Cthulhu have awoken.

Cutiesaurs: That’s bad Maxwell you must stop him before he destroys the world.

Maxwell enters the door to the boss of the Scramble Ocean.

Maxwell: Mr. Eraser why are you summoning Cthulhu to destroy the world. Why don’t you summon your master?

Mr. Eraser: I not summoning him to destroy the world. I’m summoning him to assist my master against you so I can grab your golden heart.

Mr. Eraser flies away then Cthulhu appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeat then grabs the last Large Starlite shard then returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Debbie.

Debbie: You’ve just save the world the world thanks.

Cutiesaurs: We haven’t the world quite yet we still need to stop Mr. Eraser and find 3 more Large Starlites.

Debbie: Well good luck on stopping him and come back to Scramble Ocean to gather anymore starlite if you like.

Maxwell and company head back to Cutie mansion. Where Maxwell reassemble the Large Starlite pieces of Scramble Ocean and lift it into the sky clearing the clouds to the Dusty Dessert.

Cutiesaurs: Looks the Large Starlite clear the soulless clouds to our next location. Which is the Dusty Dessert. Which is the foundation for Scribblenaut civilization. Is there something wrong Maxwell?

Maxwell: I just trying to figure what Mr. Eraser means that I have a golden heart. What does it mean Cutie?

Cutiesaurs: Golden Heart huh? That might explain why Mr. Eraser is only letting you fighting these soulless bosses. I know there an old Scribblenaunt temple in the Dusty Dessert. It might give you the answer to your question so let’s go.

Chapter 5: The Boy with the golden heart.

Maxwell and company head to the Dusty Dessert. Where they meet a guy whose goes by the name Steven.

Steven: Hey there travelers my name is Steven. What brings you here to the Dusty Dessert?

Cutiesaurs: We are here to find an ancient temple. Also to find some Large Starlite Shards

Steven: That temple sorry it is being block by some dark clouds. Not only the Temple but also Saloontown, the Rocky Canyons, the Scraplands, and Dusty Plains. Also this place is over run by monsters.

Maxwell: We can clear out the dark clouds and defeat these monsters.

Steven: Well good luck to you and be careful.

Cutiesaurs: We always are.

When Maxwell and company enters the Dessert Temple Cutie explains the history of the temple.

Starfi: How will this temple explain why Mr. Eraser needs a golden heart?

Cutiesaurs: Allow me to explain. This Temple was founded by Maximus. According to legend Maximus and his fellow people traveled across the Dusty Dessert and at this very spot he heard the voice of the Writer. The creator of this world the Writer explain to Maximus about the world and said that his golden heart was used to inspire people. Maximus decided to build a great temple to honor this moment and never forget the writer. He also wrote down some stories on the temple walls. One of them explains the Golden heart. You see a Scribblenaunt heart is actually a starlite. A Scribblenaunt golden heard is said to have untold power and Writers Block knows about this which is why he wants it.

Lily: Haven’t you said that if a Soulless come in contact with a starlite they destroy themselves?

Cutiesaurs: Yes, I did. But Writers Block is different. He is so powerful that he can handle the power of imagination that a Golden Starlite heart can hold. There were 2 Scribblenaunts in history. Maximus and me. Now we have a third. Which is you Maxwell.

Maxwell: How does Mr. Eraser knows I have a golden heart?

Cutiesaurs: Soulless creatures can detect if someone have a spark. We Scribblenaunts aren’t the only creature that can do it. Also if you rip out a Scribblenaunt Starlite heart they’ll go into a comma but if you crush it then they go bye. That’s all I can tell you from the writings in the temple. There might be a Large Starlite Shard hidden inside the temple along with some starlites. So let’s go find them.

Maxwell gather enough Starlites to unlock the boss in the Dessert Temple.

Starfi: This Temple is getting unstable.

Cutiesaurs: I think it’s not the temple but the Sand Golem. Scribblenaunts locked him up in this temple during the Writing War. Looks like Mr. Eraser has unleashed him and if we don’t stop the Sand Golem than this entire Temple will collapse under us. You must stop him Maxwell.

Maxwell enters the door to the Dessert Temple boss where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Maxwell glad you appreciate the history of your kind and the reason why I want your golden heart. Well I summoning a golem to give you sand in your eyes.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Sand Golem appears which Maxwell battle and defeats dropping a Large Starlite Shard. Which Maxwell grabs and head back to Lily and Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Good work on defeating the Sand Golem and grabbing the Large Starlite Shard. Explore the temple if you want to but remember we got a mission to do.

When Maxwell and company enters Saloontown.

Slick: Well Howdy there strangers. My name is Slick. What brings you here to Saloontown?

Cutiesaurs: We are here looking for a Large Starlite Shard.

Slick: Well you can ask the townsfolk to what you are looking for. After you help of course. Since these monsters began invading our town.

Cutiesaurs: It’s a done deal.

When Maxwell and company gather enough Starlites they unlock the Boss door of Saloontown.

A random cowboy: Slick the Raging Bull is set loosed!!

Slick: That Bull will crumble our town in a couple of seconds if you don’t stop him.

Cutiesaurs: Well Maxwell looks like you have to become a Manor to stop the Raging Bull.

Maxwell enters the Boss door of Saloontown where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looks like you are the new sheriff of this town well my pet bull will make you raging mad!!

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Raging Bull appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats then grabs a Large Starlite Shard then returns back to Cutie, Lily, and Slick.

Slick: Well done on taking down that bull. You did this town good.

Cutiesaurs: We could stay here to gather up some more starlites and teach the town how to defend themselves. Like that one movie with the seven cowboys. But we must remember we have a quest to do.

When Maxwell and company enters the Rocky Canyons.

Starfi: So this is the Rocky Canyons?

Cutiesaurs: Yep pretty impressive isn’t it?

Starfi: No not really.

Cutiesaurs: Well let’s all take in the view and find a Large Starlite Shard.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites they unlock the Boss door of Rocky Canyon.

Starfi: Looks like it’s raining rocks.

Cutiesaurs: I don’t think it’s raining rocks. I think they are being hurled towards us.

Maxwell: By who?

Cutiesaurs: By Vaulc. A giant flying vulture. That means Mr. Eraser is here meaning that Vaulc has a Large Starlite Shard. So go get him Maxwell!

Maxwell enters the Boss door of the Rocky Canyons where he encounters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looks like you want to admire the view of the Rocky Canyons. Well too bad you are about to be Buzzer food.

Mr. Eraser flies away then Vaulc appears. Maxwell battles and defeats Vaulc then Grabs the Large Starlite Shard. He then returns back to Cutie and Lily.

Cutiesaurs: Well Done Maxwell now everyone can admire the Rocky Canyons. We can admire and collect starlites as well but remember we have a mission to do.

When Maxwell and company enters the Scraplands.

Scraps: Welcome to the Scraplands my name is Scraps what brings you here?

Maxwell: We are here for a Large Starlite Shard.

Scraps: Well help yourself but be careful some monsters have been popping up recently. They appear to be after some starlite’s so help yourself to grab some starlites and defeat some monsters as well.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites they unlocked the Boss Door of the Scraplands.

Random guy: Scraps the Scraper is back on!

Cutiesaurs: The Scraper?

Scraps: Yea. Some guy named Stelex wanted his Grinder off his hand and he gave it to us. We rebuilt it into the Scraper. But proved to be too deadly so we shut it down. But now some turned it on again was this machine cursed at some point?

Cutiesaurs: Sort of. Just remember that if they want to get rid of a giant machine. Make sure you’ve melt it down.

Starfi: Well Maxwell looks like you must dismantle that Scraper.

Maxwell enters the boss door where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looks like they have everything you need down here in the Scraplands. But the Scraper will turn you into scraps.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Scraper appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard. Then returns back to Cutie, Lily and Scraps.

Scraps: Well that’s the last time I ever built anything from a robot.

Cutiesaurs: Well always make sure any object isn’t cursed.

Scraps: I make sure. Even though you are kind of busy you can come back here to the Scraplands anytime you want to find more starlites.

When Maxwell and company enters the Dusty Plains.

Hops: Hey there dudes and duet. Welcome to the Dusty Plains. The most radical place to do Extreme stunts or used to. Before these creatures began terrorizing this place. My name Hops by the way.

 Maxwell: Well Hops we’ll do extreme stunts over these creatures and grab some starlites along the way.

Hops: Right on man.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss door in the Dusty Plains.

Maxwell: Sounds like a monster truck is rumbling in the Dusty Dessert.

Hops: That is no ordinary Monster Truck. That’s noise is from the Truck Blazer.

Cutiesaurs: Looks like Mr. Eraser likes to turn any inanimate objects into bosses.

Maxwell: Looks like I have to fight the Truck Blazer.

Cutiesaurs: Good luck to you Maxwell.

Maxwell: Will do Cutie.

Maxwell enters the boss door of Dusty Plains where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Looks like you want to do Extreme stunts with my pet. Well now your chance to be on the high road.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Truck Blazer appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Hops.

Hops: You are awesome for taking down that giant Truck Blazer Dude!   

Maxwell: Well Hops looks like there are still more Starlites around the Dusty Dessert but we’ll come back here to do extreme stunts to get more Starlites.

After Maxwell and company gather or five Large Starlite Shards they return back to Steven in the Dusty Dessert.

Steven: Thanks for taking care of those six monsters. Now the Dusty Dessert is a lot safer.

Maxwell: We still need one larger Starlite Shard and Cutie Said’s it’s around here.

Starfi: Hey does Dusty Dessert always have large holes in the ground?

Steven: Wait large holes!?! That means the Giant Sand Worm has arrived.

Cutiesaurs: Let me guess. If we don’t stop him then the entire dessert will be one giant hole?

Steven:  You took the words right out of my mouth.

Cutiesaurs: Well Maxwell time to take on that Giant Sand Worm.

Maxwell enters the boss door of Dusty Dessert where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Maxwell: I know why you keep sending me these Soulless monsters. Mr. Eraser. You want my Golden Starlite Heart.

Mr. Eraser: So Cutie did tell you about it. Well that info will be useless when you go worm hunting!!!

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Giant Sand Worm appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the final Large Starlite Shard in Dusty Dessert and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Steven.

Steven: Now with the Giant Sand Worm gone there won’t anymore giant holes.

Cutiesaurs: Well now we have all the Large Shard Shards in the Dusty Dessert. We can reassemble back at my mansion and figure out what the next location is.

Steven: Well come back to Dusty dessert to find anymore Starlites.

Maxwell and company head back to Cutie Mansion. Where Maxwell reassemble the Large Starlite Shard of Dusty Dessert and flings it into the sky revealing the Starlite Jungle.

Cutiesaurs: Looks like the next six Large Starlite pieces are in the Starlite jungle a very important place.

Lily: What’s so important about it?

Cutiesaurs: Well long before our kind set foot on this world. Starlite fell down to earth and got absorb into the ground. Over time the mineral became rich in starlite power giving them magical energy. We Scribblenaunts used to gather the resources in the Starlite Jungle and used them to make powerful items that you have now.

Maxwell: So that’s why the Starlite Jungle is so important.

Cutiesaurs: Used to I believed that Scribblenaunts don’t used that place anymore after the writing War. But that means there are unused Starlites hidden in Starlite Jungle. So let’s go into the jungle.

Chapter 6: Stars in the Jungle.

Maxwell and company enter the Starlite Jungle where they meet a guy named Chip.

Chip: Hi there explores my name is Chip. What brings you here to the jungle?

Cutiesaurs: We are here looking for some Large Starlite Shards. Here in Starlite Jungle.

Chip: Well sorry you can’t pass through since those Dark clouds are covering up the Hive, The Overgrown Temple, The Star Mines, Firespout Peak, and the Haunted House.

Maxwell: Well we are here to clear those Dark Clouds and collect some Starlites along the way.

Chip: Thank you. I’ll stay here away from those clouds.

When Maxwell and company enter the Hive.

Starfi: This place is so sticky.

Cutiesaurs: Well this is the place where bees produce Starlite Honey. One of the sweetest honey in the world.

Maxwell: Well these bees are sure angry.

Cutiesaurs: Aren’t they always when we take their honey?

When Maxwell and company gather enough Starlites they unlock the boss door of the Hive.

Starfi: Wow these bees are angrier than usual.

Cutiesaurs: I don’t think it’s from us from stealing their honey.

Starfi: So why are they angry?

Cutiesaurs: They are being control by Thorax and I’m betting that Mr. Eraser sent him to command to destroy the Starlite honey. Maxwell you must stop him before he destroys the whole hive.

Maxwell enters the Boss door of the Hive. Where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: You want to stop Thorax from destroying the hive? Well, all I have to tell you is bee careful.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Thorax appears. Maxwell battles and defeats Thorax he then grabs the Large Starlite shard. Then returns back to Lily and Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Thank you defeating Thorax. The bees are more calm now. That means we can get some honey and maybe a few more starlites from this area. If we want to.

When Maxwell and company enters the Overgrown Temple.

Starfi: I wonder what this temple was used for.

Cutiesaurs: By my guesses a Scribblenaunt memorial. To honor the men and women who died during the Writing War.

Maxwell: Some of the writing seems to be in gibberish.

Cutiesaurs: Strange Scribblenaunts never written in this type before and it seems some of the pictures are missing as well.

Starfi: Maybe because the temple is so old.

Cutiesaurs: Well the Dessert temple seems to have better pictures and writing. It seems odd that only a few words are in gibberish.

Starfi: Anyway let’s find that Large Starlite Shard.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites they unlock the boss door in the Overgrown Temple.

Maxwell: The temple is shaking.

Cutiesaurs: Looks like Mr. Eraser has awoken the Soulless Golem.

Maxwell: This will be a piece of cake since it not going to be hard as the Sand Golem.

Cutiesaurs: Well the Sand Golem was a prototype the one in the Writing War was the one you should fear since it defeated a whole army of Scribblenaunts.

Starfi: Well he’s no match for Maxwell let’s face him.

Maxwell enters the boss door for the Overgrown Temple where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Well since you are a one-man army I must send in a Soulless that can defeat an army.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Soulless golem awakens. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Cutie and Lily.

Cutiesaurs: Well done Maxwell now people can honor the men and women who died during the Writing War.

Starfi: There might be a few starlite here in the Overgrown Temple but we can come back here later.

When Maxwell and company enters the Star mines

Henry: Welcome to the Star Mines what brings you four here?

Cutiesaurs: We are here to gather some Starlites.

Henry: Well these mines are full of Starlites but these creatures have just halted our production in the mines.

Maxwell: Well we’ll break the rock these Soulless creatures are hiding from and take them down. Also find Starlite along the way.

Maxwell and company gather enough Starlites to unlock the boss door in the Star Mines. Then a miner comes running towards them.

Miner: Run for your lives the Screecher is here!!!

Maxwell: The Screecher?

Henry: It a giant bat with sonic powers.

Cutiesaurs: Makes sense. So Maxwell must stop him before he collapses the mines.

Henry: Do you guys do this thing often?

Starfi: We can’t tell you how many times we have to face a giant monster.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of the Star Mines where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Maxwell prepare to meet my new pet. It will sure make you batty.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Screecher appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard then returns back toe Lily, Cutie, and Henry.

Henry: Thanks for taking care of that giant bat now we can more minerals and you find more starlites if you want to. But you probably got a mission to do,

When Maxwell and company enters Firespout Peak.

Starfi: It’s sure is hot in here.

Cutiesaurs: What do you think it will be like inside a volcano?

Starfi: I thought Firespout Peak was a mountain.

Cutiesaurs: Well when people came here they thought it was a mountain but didn’t notice that it was a volcano.

Lily: Well let’s find some starlites inside the volcano.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites they unlock the Boss door of Firespout Peak.

Lily: Looks like this place is about to erupted.

Cutiesaurs: This place hasn’t been active in years unless Mr. Eraser sent in Moltar the molten monster. Maxwell go enter the door and find Moltar before the entire jungle gets covered in lava.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of Firespout Peak where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Maxwell I sent in Moltar to cover the entire jungle in lava. With you here things will surely heat up.

Mr. Eraser flies away then Moltar appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily and Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Great job of defeating Moltar Maxwell. Now Firespout Peak will calm down and we can get more starlites if we want to but remember we have a mission to do Maxwell.

When Maxwell and company enter the Haunted House.

Maxwell: I wonder why there is a haunted house in the middle of jungle?

Cutiesaurs: Well if I have to take a guess that this was an old Scribblenaunt orphanage. Before it was abandon during the Writing War.

Maxwell: Must you link any old object to the Writing War?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t why I do that. It feels like there something in my head that’s want to be let out.

Starfi: Well we have better watch out for any ghost or else we’ll get possess.

Cutiesaurs: Good point Starfi.

When Maxwell and company gather enough starlites the unlock the Boss Door in the Haunted House.

Starfi: What was that creepy noise?

Cutiesaurs: I believed that is from the Babadook. According to legend it’s a monster that hangs around depressing areas.

Starfi: Well that was cheerful.

Cutiesaurs: Very funny Starfi but that means he’ll cause depression around the world if Maxwell don’t stop him.

Starfi: Well let’s go Maxwell.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of the Haunted Mansion where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Well you look depress Maxwell. Looks like my pet will cheer you up.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Babadook appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily and Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Now the Haunted House will be less frighten well done Maxwell.

Maxwell: There are still ghosts and starlites around the area.

Cutiesaurs: I know but we can come back here later if we have some time.

After Maxwell and company gather all five Large Starlite Shards they come back to the main area which is the Starlite Jungle.

Chip: Thanks now I can continue my research.

Maxwell: Well Chip we are still missing one Large Starlite Shard and it supposed to be around here.

Just then the ground begins to shake.

Chip: Oh no you just awoken the giant carnivore plant, Seymour.

Cutiesaurs: Does this Seymour plant sing by any chance?

Chip: No not by my understanding.

Maxwell: Wheatear it sings or not I have to defeat him.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of the Starlite Jungle where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: You want the Large Starlite Shard Maxwell? Well too bad I gave it to my plant he will surely grow on you.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Seymour appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the last Large Starlite Shard in the Starlite Jungle and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Chip.

Chip: Well done Maxwell the Starlite Jungle is now truly safe.

Maxwell: Well we have all the Large Starlite Shards in the Starlite Jungle let’s go back to your mansion Cutie.

Cutiesaurs: Well said Maxwell.

Maxwell and company return back to Cutie Mansion where Maxwell reassemble the Large Starlite Shards of the Starlite Jungle back together to revel the next location which is Space.

Cutiesaurs: The Final location of the Large Starlite Shards is in space. I am also decting large amount of Soulless energy. Which means we have found out Mr. Eraser lair.

Maxwell: If Mr. Eraser is in Space that means my parents must be there as well.

Cutiesaurs: Well the Dark clouds are covering up the main area where Mr. Eraser is so we must hop from one sub area to the next. The order of each are Space Center, Space Station, The Moon, Saturn’s Ring, and finally the Bug Planet before we reach Mr. Eraser Domain.

Starfi: What are we waiting for? Let’s head to the Space Center to save the world.

Chapter 7: The Final Frontier

Maxwell and company head to the Space Center where they meet Astro.

Astro: Hi my name is Astro if you are here to see the rocket launchers. I’m sorry to inform you but all our launches are cancelled. Due to giant Dark Clouds.

Maxwell: Well me. Lily and Cutie will use the Starlites we find around the area to clear away the Dark Clouds.

Astro: Thanks we’ll launch those rockets in no time.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the Boss Door in the Space Center.

Cutiesaurs: Looks like the rockets are ready to launch.

Astro: That’s not a rocket. That was Rob-ket. A robot rocket hybrid. It was shut down due to it being too deadly.

Cutiesaurs: You know people should stop making deadly machines if they just turn on their masters.

Maxwell: Well let’s cancel this rocket launch.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of the Space Center where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: You look a little hungry Maxwell. Probably because it’s launch time.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Rob-ket appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats him. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Astro.

Cutiesaurs: Well done Maxwell now we can use a Rocket to get to the Space Station then to Mr. Eraser. Since Lily’s globe can’t go to space because of the Dark Clouds.

Astro: Well I would like to give you a rocket. But all of our rockets were badly damaged when those monsters attacked. But I can give you access to our teleporter since that Large Starlite Shard have repowered it.

Cutiesaurs: That works as well.

Maxwell and company enter the teleporter to the Space Station. Where they meet George.

George: I see the teleporter for the space center is working. We’ve been stuck here since those monsters took out our teleporters and damaged our rockets.

Maxwell: Well we can gather enough starlites and grab a Large Starlite Shard as well.

George: Do as you wish to stop these monsters from invading our Station and fixing our teleporters.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss door in the Space Station.

Starfi: Hey who’s turning on and off the lights?

George: Looks like someone reactive the Soulless Brain.

Cutiesaurs: You’ve put a Soulless monsters brain inside a machine!?! Do you know that they’re deadly!?!

George: It seems liked a good idea at the time.

Maxwell: Well I guess it time to take that Soulless Brain out of commission.

Maxwell enters the boss door of the Space Station where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Well Maxwell looks like you are closer to my lair. Well I let the Brains of this operation handle this.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the Soulless Brain appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats then grabs the Large Starlite Shard. He then returns back to Lily, Cutie, and George.

George: Thank you for taking care of that Brain.

Maxwell: It was nothing that I couldn’t handle with my notepad.

George: Well now with that Large Starlite Shard we can reactivate the teleporter to the Moon.

Cutiesaurs: That’s the next location we’re going to next.

George: Well good luck to you.

Maxwell and company enter teleporter to the Moon where they meet Sam.

Sam: Welcome to the Moon my name is Sam. What’s your guys name?

Cutiesaurs: My name is Cutiesaurs or Cutie for short. This is Maxwell, Lily and Starfi.

Sam: Well this is bad time right now. Since we uncovered a strange artifact these monsters begin to start showing up.

Cutiesaurs: That artifact might be the source of why there are Soulless on the Moon.

Sam: Well that might be hard to reach the artifact since that area is covered by Dark Clouds.

Maxwell: Well it’s nothing a little starlite can fix.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the boss door on the Moon.

Cutiesaurs: Ah what’s that loud siren noise?

Sam: That’s the Artifact also known as the Monolith.

Cutiesaurs: The Monolith?

Sam: Yea you know what it is?

Cutiesaurs: Yea it’s a device that uses sub sonic powers. I thought the Scribblenaunts destroyed them all.

Starfi: Looks like they missed one.

Maxwell: Well looks like I must destroy him or he’ll destroy the moon.

Cutiesaurs: Good luck to you pal.

Maxwell enters the Boss door of the Moon where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Hey I’ve see you’ve made it to the moon. Well it’s one small step for you. One giant leap for the Monolith.

Mr. Eraser flies away while the giant Monolith opens its eye. Maxwell battles and defeats the Monoliths. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Sam.

Sam: Thanks for taking care of the Monolith

Maxwell: It was nothing.

Starfi: Well now we have a Large Starlite Shard can we use your teleporter to the Rings of Saturn?

Sam: Sure. We really use the Teleporter anyway you can use it anytime you like.

Maxwell and company use the teleporter to go to the Rings of Saturn where they meet Mark.

Mark: Welcome fellow travelers to the Ring of Saturn. It dangerous to have a space outpost here. But now it’s more deadly with these monsters running around the area. My name is Mark by the way.

Cutiesaurs: Well we’ll help clear the Ring of Saturn of monsters. Also grab some starlites and a Large Starlite Shard.

Mark: Thanks we need the help we can get.

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the Boss Door of the Rings of Saturn.

Starfi: Hey the asteroids seem to be getting intense.

Mark: Mentro must be causing this.

Lily: Who’s that?

Mark: A giant cluster of asteroids combines that form into one giant being.

Cutiesaurs: Now I seen everything. Well Maxwell take out Mentro and calm these asteroids down.

Maxwell enters the Boss Door of the Rings of Saturn where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Well Maxwell you want to reach me? Well get ready for a rocky start.

Mr. Eraser flies away while Mentro appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Mark.

Mark: Great job Maxwell the asteroids are a lot calmer now thanks to you. What can I do to repay you four?

Cutiesaurs: Well can we use the Large Starlite Shard to power your teleporter to the Bug Planet and travel there as well?

Mark: Sure you can since you’ve help so much here.

Maxwell and company use the teleporter to reach the Bug Planet where they meet Surge.

Surge: What brings you here onto the Bug infested Planet!?! Don’t you see we are in a war protecting the colony!?!

Cutiesaurs: Sir!

Surge: Just call me Surge.

Cutiesaurs: Surge we are here to stop Mr. Eraser by grabbing starlites and a Large Starlite Shard Surge!

Surge: Well Mr. Eraser is the reason why these giant bugs are here and if anything will do to stop him go do that.

Cutiesaurs: Yes, Surge!

Maxwell and company gather enough starlites to unlock the Boss door of the Bug Planet.

Surge: Good you have enough Starlites to take down the leader of the bug army.

Lily: Which is?

Surge: The Broodmother a giant maggot like bug.

Cutiesaurs: Well if it means to end the war so do it Maxwell.

Maxwell enters the Boss door of the Bug Planet where he encouters Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: Well Maxwell you want to end the war with the bugs? Well prepare to be Bug out.

Mr. Eraser Flies away while the Broodmother appears. Which Maxwell battles and defeats. He then grabs the Large Starlite Shard and returns back to Lily, Cutie, and Surge.

Surge: Good work Maxwell with the Broodmother gone we can end this conflict. But for you I’ll let you repowered the Teleporter to Mr. Eraser Domain to bring the battle to him. Understand!?

Cutiesaurs: Yes, Sir!

Maxwell and company enters the teleporter to Mr. Eraser domain where they see a large giant door.

Cutiesaurs: Well this is where the Last Large Starlite Shard is and Mr. Eraser has it.

Maxwell: He also has My and Lily’s parents as well.

Cutiesaurs: Well this is the moment you’ve been waiting for so go get him tiger.

Maxwell enters the large door. Inside is the view of the earth with Mr. Eraser sitting on a throne with Maxwell parents trapped in an energy sphere hovering above him.

Mr. Eraser: Well Maxwell looks like you finally made it here.

Maxwell: Let’s end this.

Mr. Eraser: I’ve couldn’t have said it myself. But you can’t beat me. For you are just a mere boy. Prepare to meet your fate.

Mr. Eraser flies down to Maxwell and battles him. With the hints of the boss puzzles from Cutie and Lily Maxwell is able to defeat Mr. Eraser.

Mr. Eraser: You…have…beaten…me! I…cannot…end…like…this!

Mr. Eraser melts into a pile of black ink revealing the final Large Starlite Shard. With Mr. Eraser defeated his energy sphere disappear releasing Maxwell and Lily parents. Lily and Cutie run over to Maxwell where he grabs the final Large Starlite Shard. Then a cutescence plays.

Cutiesaurs: You’ve did it Maxwell! You’ve beaten Mr. Eraser and gather all 7 Large Starlites. We can now use them to seal away Writers Block for good.

Maxwell: Mom, Dad this Cutiesaurs or Cutie for short.

Maxwell mother: Are you the?

Cutiesaurs: Sure is. Nice to meet you Maxwell parents.

Lily: What are you going to do after we seal up Writers Block Cutie?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know really. Probably traveling around the world to find my past along with Starfi. Speaking of which where is she?

Just then all seven Large Starlites begin to fling out of Cutie’s pack. They begin to swirl around Starfi with the black ink from Mr. Eraser swirling around her.

Starfi: Ha I can’t believe you’ve follow the bread crumbs to gather my remains across the globe.

Maxwell farther: What’s is she talking about son?

Starfi: Ha you’ve didn’t even know. Since you’ve set your sister to stone. It didn’t only set your daughter to stone but to imprison me Writers Block. You see to end the Writing War your kind made a spell to let me trap inside someone and turn them into stone so I wouldn’t escape there two ways to free them one to set another person to stone or two release me by using Starlites. Because only one person can imprison me one at a time. That person that was Cutiesaurs.

Maxwell: Which is why Cutie knows so much about the Scribblenaunts.

Writers Block: Exactly. Which is why I clouded Cutie’s memory so he wouldn’t tell you how to seal me up again. I also destroy the second page of the purpose of the stone spell. All part of my plan unfortunately you setting your sister freed with those starlites prematurely before I can be seal away for good had cause my essence to scattered across the globe. So I split myself into two forms one to start your quest here and one to lead you here. Now you are all here to watch the transformation of my true from.

The Large Starlites begin to swirl around Writers Block forming a black cloud which them begins to grow arms then a giant head.


Writers Block use a tenctles with a hand at the end from his chest straight to Maxwell. Maxwell closes his eyes in fear and when he opens them back up he discover Cutie in front of him with the hand in his chest.

Maxwell: Cutie why are you doing this?

Cutiesaurs: Because you and Lily are the only friend I know and I don’t want you leave me.

The hand pulls out Cutie Golden Starlite Heart and reels back to Writers Block chest forming a Star in his chest. Writers Block then tips the platform that Maxwell and company were standing forcing them to fall back down to earth. While Dark clouds begin to cover the Earth.


Chapter 8: Use your heart as a weapon.

Maxwell and company fell down to the Earth surface but fortunately Maxwell wrote a Force field for everyone before they crash. Maxwell and company looks at the world around them with Soulless monsters popping out of the ground and massive earthquakes cracking the planet.

Maxwell Farther: Looks like the end of the world.

Lily: Now we’re unsafe here with all these Soulless monsters around us.

Maxwell: Well maybe Cutie’s mansion is safe place for shelter.

Maxwell Mother: Good point. You lead the way while I carry Cutie’s body.

Maxwell lead’s his family to Cutie’s mansion where inside Maxwell Mother lays Cutie’s body on the table.

Maxwell Farther: Is Cutie dead?

Maxwell: Cutie said that if a Scribblenaunt heart is pluck from their body then they go into a comma so he’s not truly dead.

Maxwell farther: That’s good to know. Hey son I’ve found this CD after you’ve defeated Mr. Eraser.

Lily: Maybe Cutie discovered something to stop Writers Block so play it dad.

Maxwell farther insert the CD into the TV where an image of Cutie appears.

Cutiesaurs: Testing 1,2,3 good. Greetings future view if you’re watching this then I am going to be turned into stone to trap Writers Block. Now I was selected because I wanted to prove my worth to the world. But that isn’t a permeant solution we need to stop Writer’s Block permently. Now through my studies of the Soulless creature’s I believed I found a way to destroy him. You see if Writers Block grabs his hands on a Golden Starlite Heart like mine he’ll become much more powerful. However, I think it also weakens him. Hear me out a normal Soulless monster when absorbing a Starlite will destroy the monster. In Writers Block Case if he absorbs a Starlite it will make him vanluable. I come up with a plan if Writers Block ever grabs a Starlite Heart. The plan is to solve puzzle’s around him which when completed will expose the Golden the Golden Star heat from which you must hit to let in the creative energy inside of him thus destroying him from the inside out. I also made plans for an incomplete rocket to penetrate the Dark Soulless clouds to reach to him if he goes into space. Remember it doesn’t matter how this thing started what matters is who will fix their mistake Cutie out.

Maxwell farther: Looks like we have a chance to stop Writers Block.

Lily: Yea but we need Cutie incomplete rocket and plan to reach Writer’s Block and we don’t know where they are.

Maxwell Farther: Not quite back in that cave me and Lecture didn’t only find the statue and the Page to seal Writer’s Block away but also an incomplete rocket and its plan’s. Now I do belvied I know where Dr. Lecture hid the rocket and the plans.

Maxwell farther pulls a lever revealing a rocket mainframe.

Maxwell Farther: It’s look incomplete but if we follow the instructions we might be able to complete the rocket.

Maxwell solves puzzles to complete the rocket and bring the rocket outside.

Lily: Looks like there only one seat for the rocket. I wonder who will ride it?

Maxwell: I will. Since I gave dad a rotten apple that started this chain event’s. So I am the one to end this.

Maxwell climbs in the rocket and blast off breaking through the soulless clouds an into space. Where he avoids the soulless creatures before on of Writers block hands damage his rocket which Maxwell equted himself out of and land on the platform with Writers Block towering above him.

Writers Block: Well Maxwell have you’ve come to stop me? Give it your best shot.

Maxwell: I will!

Maxwell solves puzzles around Writers Block Exposing the Starlite heart which Maxwell hits with his pensword. He deals enough damage that Writer’s Block begins to crack which are yellow and freeing Cutie’s heart which Maxwell grabs.

Writer’s Block: This…cannot…be.

As Writers Block begins to Crack so does the dark Clouds and the soulless creatures Maxwell realize the situation and writes in a Jetpack to escape the platform before Writer’s Block Shatters into a million pieces along with the soulless creatures and the dark clouds. Maxwell crash lands next to Cutie’s mansion where he runs inside and places Cutie heart into his chest. Then Cutie wakes up and Maxwell hugs. Later Cutie leads Maxwell and Lily back to their house.

Maxwell: Now what are you going to do now that Writers Block is gone?

Cutiesaurs: I don’t know really I am a man out of time and I got nothing to do. I’ll just maybe travel around the world to restore the Scribblenaunts to their former glory.

Maxwell: I sorry for starting for all of this.

Cutiesaurs: It not your fault. You didn’t know anything that lead these events’. But mistakes happened and you did your people proud by defeating Writers Block. So I leave you two here. Because I got no family

Cutiesaurs heads back to his mansion then Maxwell and Lily catch up to him.

Maxwell: You do have a family and it with us. To teach us the ways of our kind and helping us making a better person.

Cutie, Lily, and Maxwell all head back to the mansion and Cutie does the final narration.

Cutiesaurs: So this our story and I couldn’t have it any other way the Writer is like that sometimes you can never tell what adventure he’ll write next. As for me I got a family and found my way I know some mistakes were made but it’s never too late to fix them. A story can come from anywhere from family, friends, or dreams. (The Writer writes The End and closes the book while camera pans to two Rapoas Dolls) And sometimes inspiration comes from the most unlikely of places.


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